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Browsing Tag: journalist

7 steps to a successful career change

If only successful career changes were as easy as the seasons…

Like the trees shed leaves, we’d gracefully shed our old roles, marshal our way through winter’s challenges and emerge ready for rebirth in spring. However, life is more complicated than that, isn’t it? Change is tough and uncomfortable. To be honest, I hate it!

It requires putting ourselves out there, learning new skills and re-framing our personal narratives.…

What I want my son to know about #MeToo

I’ve always been a “laugh it off” kind of girl, but as a mother I’m done laughing.

Why is it okay that there is an entire sisterhood of broadcast journalists who have been trained—as a matter of career survival—to numb themselves to offensive, questionable behavior? Why do we tell ourselves being uncomfortable, objectified, or sexually harassed in person or online is just “part of the job”?…