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Category: News Life

Perfectionism: 3 ways to dial it back

Detail-minded, driven, goal-oriented, exacting, relentless…

These are good traits, right? Society tells us they are a sure-fire recipe for success, but perfectionism is a slipperly slope. Get the proportions wrong and this mix can be toxic. Yes, we’d all love to nail every job assignment… launch the successful business… score the promotions… earn the A’s… keep our homes immaculately clean… cook gourmet meals… have impeccably behaved children… and look svelte, stylish and camera-ready while doing it.…

Public speaking anxiety: Get the ‘leg up’ on nerves

Sweaty palms, shaky knees, a slight tremble in your voice… Sound familiar? Want to get a leg up on your nerves? Public speaking anxiety is common and natural. In fact, even TV journalists and performers experience it. The first time I ever reported live, I felt like I was on a roller coaster. My heart was racing. What if I lose my train of thought?…

Life lessons from a journalist: 5 tips for ALL careers

Anyone else find themselves feeling reflective as we approach the end of 2018? I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to take stock of my personal growth. What have I learned? Where am I coming up short? How can I build on career momentum/creativity? Those questions bring me to this post. Aside from my family, I can confidently say that journalism has molded me into the person I am today.…

Shapewear 101: Why and HOW to wear it

Before we dive into Shapewear 101, I want to tell you about one of my news nightmares. Why? It illustrates one of my key points about shapewear and explains precisely the reasons I swear by it for professional events.

I’ve just finished an on-set interview and return to my desk feeling rather pleased. That segment went great, I think to myself. Then, my producer rushes over with concern in her eyes.

What to wear for a presentation: A style guide

There are two things in professional life sure to make people cringe… 1) public speaking and 2) figuring out how to dress for that speech. I have good news. Neither is as onerous as you might think! You just need the golden rules and a few insider tips. So, allow this former news anchor to help you out. I’m going to walk you through my public appearance playbook, using my good friend Katie Cramer Brownell as an illustration.…

7 steps to a successful career change

If only successful career changes were as easy as the seasons…

Like the trees shed leaves, we’d gracefully shed our old roles, marshal our way through winter’s challenges and emerge ready for rebirth in spring. However, life is more complicated than that, isn’t it? Change is tough and uncomfortable. To be honest, I hate it!

It requires putting ourselves out there, learning new skills and re-framing our personal narratives.…

How to look better in your clothes: Four TV styling tricks

I’m a firm believer that when we look good, we feel good. A strong sense of personal style, a perfectly tailored dress or suit, even a killer pair of heels can empower us with confidence. We feel bold and assertive, ready to take on the world. But you don’t need to spend a lot—or anything for that matter—to capture those feelings. You just need a firm understanding of how clothing works on the body. …

How to deal with competition: Four key strategies

Looking over your shoulder is a good thing.

It’s rare to find someone who wants competition, but let’s be honest… we need it! Competition helps us grow, learn and evolve. Whether in life, athletics or the job market, rivals push us to hone our existing skills and develop those we lack. They drive us to look inward, dig deep and rise above challenges or setbacks.…

How to survive and thrive working the night shift

After spending the majority of my work life starting my shifts at 2 a.m., waking up with the sun always feels like a luxury. Millions of Americans work the night shift—reporters, law enforcement, hospital staff and truck drivers—but keeping “vampire” hours is a huge adjustment. Trust me, I’ve been there!

As a morning news anchor, you not only need to survive the overnight shift, you are required to look happy and perky while doing it.…

The way we report matters: Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and ‘suicide contagion’

I like to think most news outlets and media publications approach their work with an ethical compass. TMZ’s is clearly broken.

Unfortunately, mainstream sources aren’t doing much better. Yes, I know TMZ is a tabloid. I understand its business model is fueled by click bait. But I had hoped—even in those murky waters—there would be some level of journalistic decency in suicide reporting. I thought wrong.