Sparkle? It sounds vague, but deep down I knew what she was talking about. You see, my mother knows me better than I know myself. She picks up on the things I’d never say aloud. It’s as if she can read my internal monologue.
So, here it is… I’m overjoyed to be a mom. My son is an incredible blessing. He fills portions of my heart I never knew were empty. I’m beyond grateful that he is happy and healthy, that I have the flexibility to work part-time and be with him when he’s young, and that he’s growing up in a safe, secure environment. What more could I ask for? In fact—the mere consideration that something might be missing—sends waves of guilt washing over me.
Still, I can’t deny the truth. Somewhere between pregnancy and Hudson’s first seven months, I lost part of what makes me, me. Of course, change is only natural when you become a mother. You emerge a different person. You have to be. We’re called to be more patient, less selfish, more nurturing. But, I also believe fulfilled moms are better moms. It doesn’t take much to reconnect with our former selves, so why not try?
For me, it involved identifying three things:
Top (Similar $13!) | Boots (similar) | Slimming Leggings | Purse (similar)
Think about what makes you tick. What kind of projects and goals push you forward? How can you stay involved/connected to that world, even in a small way?
I am extremely career-driven, perhaps to a fault. I’ve known I wanted to be a journalist since high school and have been honing my craft ever since. After more than a decade of living and breathing deadlines, I found myself missing the adrenaline and challenge of live television. I longed to sit down and write, to tell compelling stories.
Reconnecting with journalism has been easier than I expected. I began investigating freelance opportunities and launched this blog. Both fit well with my new schedule as a mom and help me feel more productive, more complete. I write when Hudson goes to bed.
Take one hour per week and make time for your passion or hobby. Do you love reading? Pick up a book. Maybe you’re a runner or crafter? Give yourself a sliver of time to engage in your favorite activity.
I just rejoined Purdue’s Latin and Ballroom Dance Team. While I don’t have the time to be super-involved, I can fit in one class per week. I come home happy and re-energized, able to give Hudson my full attention. In fact, he likes being my “practice partner” in the kitchen. The second thing that helped me was reconnecting with fashion and style.
I’ve always loved dressing up. My “mom uniform” is certainly worlds apart from the pencil skirts, brightly colored sheath dresses and stilettos I adored as a news anchor, but it can be stylish in its own right. Lately, I’ve been living in jazzy sweaters and leggings. I look for pieces that have just enough detail to keep things interesting, but are also comfy enough for baby-wrangling.
Are you taking care of yourself? Are you staying physically active? If not, ask for help. Get the support you need to make it happen.
Hudson is not a great sleeper and likes to eat a LOT at night. After 6+ months of sleep deprivation, I finally asked my husband to get up with our little dude a couple of mornings per week. He was happy to do it. In fact, he would have gotten involved a lot sooner had I asked. An extra hour or two of zzzs has really helped jolt me out of my zombie-like state. I’m also getting back to my workout routine. Nothing fancy, just basic exercises in my living room and on the treadmill. I feel so much healthier, and consequently, better equipped to take care of Hudson.
I’m curious, what did you do to reconnect with your old self as a new mom?
When I saw the Princess of Wales in this elegant knit set, I was itching…
We might be most accustomed to shorter hemlines in the summer. However, if you’…
Kate | 3rd Feb 18
Loved this post! About a year ago, I started getting up in the mornings an hour before the kids to read/plan the day/sit in silence without anyone asking me for a snack. What a difference! I started the morning refreshed and replenished instead of groggy and grumpy. It was only after my kids were out of the baby/toddler phase that I could manage getting up without two little ones joining me, though, which totally defeated the purpose.
laveremis | 4th Feb 18
That’s such a great idea. It really is amazing how just one hour can improve our wellness. Enjoy your hour of peace!
Emily Fata, | 4th Feb 18
I think an important first step to wellness is simply acknowledging the fact that something — no matter how small — can be adjusted/remedied in order to set yourself right back on the path to 110% happiness. 🙂
Cia Black | 4th Feb 18
I wish my mom style looked like this. lol. Mine consist of jeans without holes and shirt with no stains. You make it look so easy and flawless.
laveremis | 4th Feb 18
Well, this is one of the days I was not wearing spit-up. The other day I was in Target and looked down to find baby puke in my hair, so I’m right there with you!
Victoria Martin | 4th Feb 18
I love your writing!!
(I have been commenting on all your posts, but not putting my name/email down, so I think you haven’t seen my comments) Love Aunt Techy-not??
laveremis | 4th Feb 18
Awww, I so appreciate you reading my ramblings. You seem pretty tech-savvy to me! Hugs
Josee | 4th Feb 18
Super cute baby! and i love this style! I NEED those boots also! Thank you so much for sharing!
Alexine | 5th Feb 18
I know I’m not in the position to say anything about parenthood, well, about women yes! As far as I’ve noticed to Parent women they always seems to be haggard and burnout. I really wish I could help them just to cheer them up! Life is not just all about your kid momys there’s your life to take care as well.
Sian Ryan | 5th Feb 18
I am yet to experience being a Mum but I definitely notice sometimes life takes over and self care goes out the window.
Shell | 5th Feb 18
You look absolutely beautiful and fabulous! My mom look is my fave jeans and a tee shirt with my hair up in a ponytail:)
Elizabeth O | 5th Feb 18
It is great to hear that your husband is playing a vital role in your health by getting up with the baby, that is team work at its best and just what a family needs. You look radiant and your little one is adorable 🙂
Lisa Rios | 5th Feb 18
AW cutest mom-baby pic ever. You look amazing and you go, girl, it’s great you found your style after birthing such an adorable baby.
laveremis | 6th Feb 18
Thank you Lisa–This is definitely one of my favorite pics of Hudson. Although he’s such a cutie-pie, I love every photo with him!
Preet | 5th Feb 18
You are so pretty, absolutely love your style. Hudson is so adorable little boy. I am slowly and steadily getting back to find ME again as my younger one is almost two and half years old now.
laveremis | 6th Feb 18
Thanks so much Preet, you are too kind. Glad to hear you are reconnecting with your needs too!
Melinda | 5th Feb 18
These are so true! I go through phases of taking better care of myself. Lots of the time my hubby is more in tune than myself. He asks how everything is going because I’ve been acting like a witch lately, bu today course he says it so much more nicely 😊
laveremis | 6th Feb 18
It is so wonderful to have that support structure! Glad your hubby is helpful. We sure need them, don’t we!
7 steps to a successful career change - Anchored In Elegance | 25th Oct 18
[…] lot of soul searching (I talk about it in this post) and a cute lil’ baby helped me think beyond those labels. In addition, it reduced the […]
One year blogging: Highs, lows & everything in between - Anchored In Elegance | 23rd Jan 19
[…] of planning, writing and technical frustration. At the time, I was missing TV news desperately and feeling a bit lost in my role as a new parent. I had anticipated leaping from career-driven journalist to family-focused mom easily, but […]
Sarah | 15th Mar 19
I truly enjoyed reading your post and have to admit that, even though my girls are a bit older now (9 and 6) I still need to follow up on this advice from time to time. It’s so natural to be a mom before everything else that taking me-time will always be a conscious decision, no matter what age my children have. The reflex will always be to dedicate that extra hour or vacation day to them. Thanks for your gentle reminder.
laveremis | 15th Mar 19
It is such a huge and wonderful life change, isn’t it? Me-time may be nearly non-existent as moms (especially with two darling girls), but I do feel it helps me be more connected with my son and husband. Thanks for visiting the blog Sarah!