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Browsing Tag: family life

Summer Family Photo Outfits – A Style Guide

Life moves at warp speed, doesn’t it? We blink and the seasons have changed.  In an instant, our tiny tots are not so tiny any more. Thankfully, you took the plunge. You found a photographer to help you savor those precious family moments. You’re ready to freeze time and create an image you’ll cherish. There’s just one problem… What do you wear? Some days it’s challenging enough to get everyone dressed in the first place, much less in coordinated duds.…

Family budgeting: 10 simple ways we save

Our cart was filled to the brim with old fashioned oats. Cue the laughable conversation. The scene went something like this… Cashier: Are you on some crazy diet plan? My husband: No, but my wife is part horse. I turn beet red and punch him in the arm. What’s the deal with all the oats, you ask? Well… It’s our version of family budgeting and a simple way to save.…

Flying with a baby: 5 reasons it shouldn’t scare you

Moms—let me guess—you just booked your first plane ticket since giving birth and are now cruising the internet for support. How do I get through TSA with my formula and breast pump? What should I do to protect my little one’s ears? How do I cope with the glares of other travelers who are none too happy too happy to have a baby sitting next to them?…

Dining Room Reveal: Creating a bold, beautiful space

Is the “traditional” dining room dead? No, though it has evolved.

While the push for open concept living has dramatically changed the way we use our spaces, I firmly believe the dining room still has value. In fact, our busy lifestyles make it more relevant than ever. Modern families are desperately hungry for time to relax and connect with each other. Sitting down for a family dinner—without TV or distracting devices—offers the perfect opportunity to touch base and reminisce about the day.…

A Mother’s Day love letter & gift guide

I’ve always thought my mom was superwoman—selfless, capable and confident.

But until I became a mother myself, I didn’t fully understand the depth of her love. I knew she sacrificed a lot for our family. I knew she always put me first. However, after tasting the challenges of parenthood myself, I have a far greater appreciation for what she has done for me. The worries, the sleepless nights, the “mom guilt,” the challenges of juggling work and family life—mothers are truly incredible!…