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Browsing Tag: how to style

3 Ways to Style a Lantern Sleeve Top

I can’t quite decide how I feel writing about fashion during coronavirus… There is so much hurt, pain, and uncertainty in the news each day. Amid significant needs, like job loss and hunger, chatter about style can seem “fluffy” or tone deaf. On the other hand, I’ve caught myself actively seeking out that kind frivolous fashion fare! It’s a momentary escape from reality. And let’s be honest—when you’re spending all day, every day in yoga pants—browsing blogs, scrolling Instagram, or clicking through pretty dresses on the websites of your favorite stores can feel downright cathartic.…

3 Ways to Style A Tulle Skirt

At first glance, it reads rather ballerina-esque… You might think there is no way a tulle skirt can be versatile. In fact, I was in that camp too! I thought tulle skirts were beautiful and romantic, I just didn’t think I could get enough use out of one to warrant a purchase. However, I eventually succumbed to the constant Facebook ads. [Guess Mark Zuckerberg knows I was browsing for tulle?!]…