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Category: Adventure

15 practical things to know BEFORE going to Italy

Remember your first day of high school? Your initial experiences at a new job? Traveling to (or living in) a country where you don’t speak the language is something like that. Your emotions are a stew of excitement, nerves and anticipation. Each day another feeling or question bubbles to the surface. For instance, what practical things should I know before going to Italy? Will my phrase book be enough to help me navigate this new and foreign territory?…

How to bloom in your career: A message for new grads

There’s something about graduation day that always makes me smile.

It brings with it so much promise, possibility and pride. I get excited about what the future holds for the class of 2019… and I’m right there with these new grads as they take those first steps.

Each May, I spend days (not an exaggeration) carefully studying the names of Purdue University’s thousands of graduates (4,659 walked this year).…

Family budgeting: 10 simple ways we save

Our cart was filled to the brim with old fashioned oats. Cue the laughable conversation. The scene went something like this… Cashier: Are you on some crazy diet plan? My husband: No, but my wife is part horse. I turn beet red and punch him in the arm. What’s the deal with all the oats, you ask? Well… It’s our version of family budgeting and a simple way to save.…

Family Day & the origin of Hudson’s name

This is going to sound a little weird… 

We named our son after a department store. Well, not exactly. It’s a bit more complicated than that. Hudson’s name was inspired by Hudson Bay and Hudson’s Bay Company, which is a Canadian retail group. However, my husband was thinking of HBC’s 17th century explorers and the rugged fur trade, not modern shopping when we settled on it.…

Sydney with a baby: 5 things you MUST do

Are you CRAZY? That’s awesome! Good luck, you’ll need it

Tell people you’re planning to travel half way around the world—with a baby—and you’ll get rather polarized reactions. Sure, the thought of traveling down under is exhilarating and exciting for most people. However, it poses unique challenges for parents. You worry about getting your gear there. You worry about your accommodations. Then, there’s the 17.5 hour flight, one of the world’s longest!…

One year blogging: Highs, lows & everything in between

Man, time flies… This little is dude getting crazy big and I can’t believe I’m already marking one year of blogging! AnchoredInElegance made its debut last January, after many hours of planning, writing and technical frustration. At the time, I was missing TV news desperately and feeling a bit lost in my role as a new parent. I had anticipated leaping from career-driven journalist to family-focused mom easily, but discovered part of my creative identity was missing.…

Learning to love where you live

Have you ever caught yourself saying “I hate it here” or “Why do I live here?”  Well, I’m going to let you in on a few secrets that could transform the way you look at your city. In fact, I might even be able to help you love where you live! Don’t believe me? Listen… I’ve been in your shoes. Sure, there’s a lot to adore about my city, but it took me awhile to see that.…

35 life lessons at 35

Anyone else feel like time moves faster as you age? It’s almost like the years are evaporating. Looking back to my college days, I always thought I’d feel mature and “adult” when I reached 35. I imagined I would have crossed off all the goals on my bucket list. Instead, 35 has arrived—and I’m still a work in progress. But you know what?…

Family time management & unique wooden watches

Are you an ace when it comes to family time management?

I wish I could say yes, but it’s not my strong suit. Can I nail a deadline? Handle a dozen last minute tasks dumped in my lap? Step up to the plate when there’s breaking news or an urgent, time-sensitive communication need? Definitely. I know how to work against the clock. However, I’m often at a loss when that sense of immediacy slips away.…

What to pack when flying with baby

Normally, I would consider myself a fairly light packer. I can fit everything I need in my carry on bag. However, that was before we had a baby. Now, we’re so heavily burdened with luggage, we could use a Sherpa for hire! Isn’t it amazing how one tiny being can exponentially increase the amount of stuff you need?! That’s where I can help. Are you wondering what to pack when flying with baby?…