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Category: News Life

How to dress for a TV appearance

Are you preparing for your first on-camera experience? Congratulations! This is an excellent opportunity to share your message and expertise with a new audience on-air and online. Worried about how to dress for that TV appearance? Don’t be—You’ve got a former news anchor in your corner. I have a decade of experience dressing for the camera and am eager to share a few pointers.…

Please don’t say ‘Happy Memorial Day’

If there’s one thing news anchors—usually inexperienced ones—do that makes me cringe, it is wishing people a “Happy Memorial Day.” For those of you who have a military member in your family, you probably know where I am going with this. For those who do not, allow me to explain.

Too many people conflate Memorial Day, a time to honor the sacrifices of Americans who have died in combat, with Veterans Day, in which we thank veterans for their service.…

Amazon dresses: 5 things to know BEFORE you buy

 I never imagined I would become a fan of online shopping, especially when it comes to clothing.

As a very short girl (under 5′), I’m not exactly sample size. Consequently, the fitting room is a close personal friend. I prefer to try things on multiple times before making a purchase—much to the annoyance of those I’m shopping with. Sorry, but garments that work well for the vertically challenged are tough to find!…

Boost your confidence 10 ways

Think of a person who radiates self-assurance, who seems to have an innate gift to “own the room.” 

They draw every eye with their poise and confidence, command attention while speaking, and have a personal magnetism that inspires and engages.  How do they do it? Practice… and lots of it. I say this from personal experience.

After a decade of working in TV news—emceeing large-scale events, interviewing high profile news makers and talking my way through a daily 2 1/2 hour morning show—I sometimes scratch my head.…

Hot rollers for voluminous, bouncy curls

I know what you’re thinking… Hot rollers? Really?

Before we dig in, please check those preconceived hair notions at the door. You might think hot rollers are from your grandmother’s era, but they have also produced some of the most sought after manes in the modern world!

Take hair goddess Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Reports suggest she uses them and they’re my secret weapon for camera-ready hair too.…

Shop like a news anchor: How to save big on clothing

Have you ever sat down watching the Today Show or Good Morning America, spotted something fabulously fashionable, and thought… I’ve got to have that?  Maybe you’ve wondered how your favorite news team is able to afford a seemingly endless supply of colorful, on-trend dresses, skirts and shoes. Do you wonder how they shop?

Let me let you in on a little secret, we have a strategy.

What I want my son to know about #MeToo

I’ve always been a “laugh it off” kind of girl, but as a mother I’m done laughing.

Why is it okay that there is an entire sisterhood of broadcast journalists who have been trained—as a matter of career survival—to numb themselves to offensive, questionable behavior? Why do we tell ourselves being uncomfortable, objectified, or sexually harassed in person or online is just “part of the job”?…