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Browsing Tag: petite fashion

4 Steps to Define Your Personal Style

“I’d rather go to the dentist than shop for clothes,” a friend told me. Huh? What?! My jaw nearly hit the floor. There are few things I enjoy more than the process of curating a great outfit, scouring the racks or websites for affordable pieces that fit my aesthetic. It was hard to fathom someone not feeling the same. Then, I realized I might be the outlier here!…

Memorial Day Thoughts + Sales Round-Up

While I will always find it a bit odd that a federal holiday to honor our fallen heroes has somehow become a shopping extravaganza, Memorial Day is now without a doubt one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Appliances, furniture, clothing—you name it, it’s on sale!

On one hand, I get it. Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer. We’re all itching to enjoy some sun and fun, while tossing a few burgers on the grill.…

Back Detail: Embellishment You Can ‘Get Behind’

Conservative in the front, party in the back… There’s something about the change of seasons that always has me reaching for fashion with a bit of extra flair. In particular, I am all about back detail! Whether it’s a bow, a criss cross, or an unexpected ruffle — there’s nothing quite like a splash of surprise as you turn around to truly elevate an outfit.…

3 Ways to Style a Lantern Sleeve Top

I can’t quite decide how I feel writing about fashion during coronavirus… There is so much hurt, pain, and uncertainty in the news each day. Amid significant needs, like job loss and hunger, chatter about style can seem “fluffy” or tone deaf. On the other hand, I’ve caught myself actively seeking out that kind frivolous fashion fare! It’s a momentary escape from reality. And let’s be honest—when you’re spending all day, every day in yoga pants—browsing blogs, scrolling Instagram, or clicking through pretty dresses on the websites of your favorite stores can feel downright cathartic.…

Spring Dresses & Random Mood Boosters

What a week… what a month! It seems life as we know it is on a permanent pause. I’m still trying to adjust to the new normal. But honestly, the slower pace of life and “safer at home” scenario feels really strange. How is your family holding up? I hope you are safe and well. Today’s post might feel a little frivolous given these uncertain times, but we all need a bit of escapist fun.…

Valentine’s Day Looks: When Versatility is Key

Anyone else hate spending money on something you’ll only wear once, or ⁠— at best⁠— a handful of times per year? Who wants clothing that just sits in your closet, waiting for its designated moment in the sun? Holiday attire is often like that. It’s fun at the time, but its themed nature can quickly limit its usefulness. That’s why I pulled together a few versatile Valentine’s Day looks.…

The Ultimate Holiday Dress Guide

Those of you who have been following this blog, probably already know I am 100 percent a dress girl! In my opinion, they’re the next best thing to pajamas — classy and comfy. In fact, my mom tells me I used to cry any time she tried to put me in pants as a kid. Funny how little has changed! My closet is 95 percent dresses and skirts, which means I have plenty of experience selecting fun and flattering dress silhouettes.…

3 Ways to Style A Tulle Skirt

At first glance, it reads rather ballerina-esque… You might think there is no way a tulle skirt can be versatile. In fact, I was in that camp too! I thought tulle skirts were beautiful and romantic, I just didn’t think I could get enough use out of one to warrant a purchase. However, I eventually succumbed to the constant Facebook ads. [Guess Mark Zuckerberg knows I was browsing for tulle?!]…

Fall Outfit Ideas: 3 Ways to Ease Into Autumn

Crisp mornings, technicolor leaves, pumpkins lining neighborhood porches… What’s not to love about fall? It’s been slow to arrive in Indiana, but we’re finally getting a taste of “sweater weather.” That means it’s time a great time to freshen up your wardrobe, try a few new things, embrace layering, and ease into the new season! Looking for fall outfit ideas? I teamed up with Chicwish to share 3 ways to “fall-ify” your style, even in the midst of unpredictable temperatures.…

Amalfi Coast Style: What to Pack for an Italian Vacation

Few places in the world are as “stop-you-in-your-tracks” scenic as Italy’s Amalfi Coast…

No matter how many pictures you see, nothing can prepare you for the awe you will feel as you get your first glimpse of the vibrancy. Like pottery forged in a kiln, colors are more intense here. Terraced gardens⁠—dotted with lemons⁠—offset glistening, turquoise water. Sun-bleached storefronts cascade down soaring mountains. The Amalfi Coast is beautiful and so are its people.